Say it ain't so...
For those of you who don't know me, I love baseball. More than life itself. I live and die each summer with the hometown boys. All in all though, I love baseball. I love the stats and the feeling of something special happening at any moment. One of the reason I watch baseball is because at any given moment someone could do something that no one else has done.
However, I grew up loving baseball during the dark ages, or at least that's what they will be remembered for. Today, Alex Rodriguez is an asterisk. In 2003, he took sterioids. He won an MVP award with the Texas Rangers that year. The Rangers also finished dead last that year so as good as his numbers were they didn't carry over for the rest of the team.
I love the Red Sox, everyone knows that. With loving the Red Sox I hate the Yankees and in turn I hate A-rod. However, the whole steroids thing is bigger than a rivalry. This is about the integrity of the sport. Whether or not A-rod cleaned up after 2003 does not matter. He did something he wasn't supposed to. In fact, a lot of people did things they weren't supposed to.
I was 17 going on 18 the summer of 2003. Everything I thought about revolved around baseball. I believed that these "heroes of sport" were people who I wanted to grow up to be like. It breaks my heart that somebody made a decision to hurt the sport that I loved so much.
Say it ain't so A-rod, say it ain't so...
Alex Rodriguez used to stand for the integrity of the game? He didn't even respect the integrity of Bronson Arroyo's glove.
At this rate, I wouldn't be surprised to find out that Nolan Ryan and Chip Caray used to have all night roid binges at Marge Schott's summer cottage.
Stop blogging about sports. Thanks. Love E.
i agree with erica, leave sports writing to your bro or read mine on A-Rod
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